Azures quest: First installment of specific fetish-themed massage

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In the first chapter of the Azure Quest, a stunning Elf named Azure seeks healing from her wounds at a secluded Orc sanctuary. She encounters a skilled Orc masseuse, who expertly soothes her aches and stimulates her desires.

Welcome to the initial chapter of the Azure escapade, a unique and captivating journey into the world of specific fetish-themed massage. Our protagonist, a stunning blonde with an insatiable desire, arrives at the doorstep of a secluded cabin nestled in the heart of the wilderness. She's eager to indulge in her deepest fantasies, but little does she know what awaits her within those walls.The moment she crosses the threshold, she encounters a mysterious figure shrouded in darkness. A skilled Orc massager, his hands expertly navigate her curves, igniting a fiery passion within her. His touch is not of this world, a blend of fantasy and reality that leaves her breathless.As the massage unfolds, the Orc's fingers venture south, exploring uncharted territories. His touch is firm yet gentle, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her body. The room fills with her moans of ecstasy, a symphony of pleasure that echoes through the cabin. This is just the beginning of the Azure quest, a journey into the depths of desire and fantasy.

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