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Velma's sleuthing leads her to a ghost-haunted brothel. There, she encounters a supernatural stallion with a massive member. Craving the paranormal, she eagerly indulges in a wild, otherworldly encounter.

In the midst of a supernatural investigation, Velma from the beloved Scooby Doo gang stumbles upon a mysterious, long-abandoned brothel. Eager to uncover the paranormal occurrences, she ventures inside, only to be met with a mind-bending encounter. A menacing, otherworldly force materializes in the form of a colossal, endowed entity. Faced with this supernatural threat, the seductive demon offers a deal - a carnal exchange for the release of her friends.Despite her initial reservations, Velma succumbs to the allure of the demon's promise, surrendering her desires to the insatiable beast. The ensuing encounter is a wild ride of raw, unbridled passion, with the demon taking her in a variety of positions, each more intense than the last. The room reverberates with their primal cries, a symphony of pleasure and pain.As the encounter reaches its climax, the demon withdraws, leaving Velma spent and satisfied. The brothel returns to its abandoned state, and Velma exits, her secret now sealed within its haunted walls. This encounter serves as a testament to Velma's insatiable desires, a tale of lust and supernatural encounters that will forever be etched in her memory.

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